The Board regulates real estate appraiser licenses, provides access to appraisers' education resources and informs appraisers of industry news. The Board will evaluate a complaint to determine if the appraiser violated the KS Real Estate Appraisers Act and/or USPAP. The Board does not resolve disputes about appraised value when there is pending litigation involving an appraisal report. Once the litigation is complete, a complaint may be sent to the Board.
State Appraiser, AMC and Banking Regulators
Appraisers, AMCs, financial institutions and others are regulated by State agencies. Select your State to find agencies that may be relevant to your complaint.
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The Department protects Kansas citizens from undue risk by ensuring safe and sound operation of State-chartered credit unions. Kansas State-chartered credit unions operate under the supervision of the Department.
The Division investigates scams, mediates and prosecutes violations of the Consumer Protection Act among other Acts. Protecting Kansas consumers from scams, telemarketing fraud and other deceptive practices is a priority for the Division.
The Office regulates all State-chartered banks, trust companies, mortgage businesses, supervised lenders, credit service organizations, and money transmitters that do business in the State of Kansas.
The Office regulates all State-chartered banks, trust companies, mortgage businesses, supervised lenders, credit service organizations, and money transmitters that do business in the State of Kansas.
The Commission protects the public interest in the selling, purchasing and leasing of real estate and developing responsive policies and procedures which are customer service focused and not unduly burdensome to regulated real estate licensees.