Refer My Complaint by Email

Answer a few questions to learn where to file a complaint. Receive a reply within 5 business days.
Need help? Contact the Hotline at 877-739-0096 for assistance.

Complaints against more than one party

If you require a referral for a complaint against more than one party, complete a referral request for each party.

I am ...
Such as real estate agent, attorney, title agent, or home inspector                               
Such as a buyer, loan applicant, seller, borrower or builder                                       
Select the nature of the complaint
Help me choose
Select the type of property
(Do not provide the names of any individuals. Only provide the name of the entity if your complaint is against a bank, credit union, savings and loan or thrift. Otherwise, select from the following: appraiser; mortgage broker/lender or loan originator; appraisal management company; settlement services provider or other, such as buyer, seller, borrower, closing attorney, home inspector.)
Please indicate if your complaint involves a Government guaranteed or insured home loan: